Kenscoff: PNH and MMAS regain control of Obléon antenna base (Téléco)

On Sunday February 16, 2025, bandits carried out a bloody attack on the commune of Kenscoff, Haiti. The forces of law and order, including the Haitian National Police (PNH) and the Multinational Security Support Mission (MMAS), succeeded in regaining control of a strategic installation located on the former Téléco site. This base housed important antennas and was guarded by soldiers from the Forces Armées d’Haïti (FAD’H) and agents from the Brigade de Sécurité des Aires Protégées (BSAP).

The attack began at dawn with a violent offensive by a criminal coalition known as “Viv Ansanm”. The bandits attempted to occupy several strategic neighborhoods in Kenscoff, but public forces intervened to repel the attempt.

Human toll
Unfortunately, this confrontation resulted in several casualties among the public forces. One FAD’H soldier and two BSAP agents lost their lives in the battle. In addition, two other soldiers were wounded while protecting a strategic site in the commune.

Police response
The PNH has deployed several specialized units to track down the armed groups responsible for these repeated attacks in and around Kenscoff. Director General Rameau Normil directly supervises these operations aimed at neutralizing the armed gangs that regularly terrorize this region.

Impact on the local population
Local residents remain concerned about the growing risks posed by these criminal groups. Several families have fled their homes after their neighborhoods were targeted by heavy gunfire or set on fire6. The situation remains tense despite efforts to restore law and order.

In short, although public forces regained control of the Téléco site after repelling the bloody attack of February 16, 2025, Kenscoff continues to face the security challenges posed by these persistent armed groups.

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